The maximum compressive strength of the specimen cast with SIOT content of 25 % was 40.2 MPa, while that of the specimen cast with SIOT content of 75 % was only 17.1 MPa. This is because the surface activities of the SIOT particles are low and more SIOT added into the mortar specimen reduces binder activity which has also been observed by van ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The ultrasonic velocities and compressive strength of frozen and thawed iron ore are strongly ... may therefore be expected to provide a good estimate of the strength of iron ore frozen and unfrozen. ... of 1.38 MPa. Results of the tests to failure on three of ~ these specimens are shown in Figure 3, where the ~ ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The compressive strengths values were conducted at 7, 14, 28, 60 and 90 days of curing (Fig. 9). At 90 days of curing, the geopolymer with the highest compressive strength is MK100 (40.2 MPa), followed by MK50H50 (35.6 MPa) and finally, with a significant difference, MK50MT50 (8.3 MPa).
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The attained compressive strength and split tensile strength for 15% iron ore tailings addition are 30% and 11% lesser respectively than the control mix, but higher than the design strength. The reduction of compressive strength and split tensile strength may be due to the very less concentration of SiO 2 and the low-grade iron ore tailings ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The sand replacement (by IOT) percentages used were 0, 5, 10, 20, 25, 30 and 35pressive strength tests were conducted on 150 mm size concrete cubes and splitting tensile strength tests on 150 ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The use of Iron Ore Tailings (IOT) as finer aggregates and/or fillers in geopolymer mortars is a possible alternative ... (compressive strength of 34.0 MPa), 7 days (compressive strength of 50.3 ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073proportion of the iron ore tailings, the compressive strength of the tailing mixes at d increased and then decreased subsequently a er the rst reduction. However, the tailing ... Compressive …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The compressive strength and bulk density of the AAC increased with the increasing IOT admixture, and the compressive strength of the samples increased from 3.1 MPa to 4.1 MPa; meanwhile, the bulk density increased …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Effect of iron ore tailings on the compressive strength exposed to thermal cycles at (a) 200 • C; (b) 400 • C; (c) ... tensile and flexural strength of 40.16 MPa, 2.8 MPa, and 4.18 MPa ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073A new type of ACC was developed using the coal gangue and the iron ore tailings. The dry mixture proportion of the optimal AAC with a bulk density of 609 kg m −3 and compressive strength of 3.68 MPa was 20% CGC, 40% iron ore tailings, 25% lime, 10% cement, 5% desulphurisation gypsum and 0.06% aluminium powder. From this dry mixture, a …
WhatsApp: +86 182217550732.4.3.1 Uniaxial compressive strength. Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is a key physical test relevant to iron ore crusher design and rock geomechanics for mining. Tests are typically performed on intact lengths of NQ, HQ, or PQ diamond drill core and record the maximum …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The use of Iron Ore Tailings (IOT) as finer aggregates and/or fillers in geopolymer mortars is a possible alternative ... (compressive strength of 34.0 MPa), 7 days (compressive strength of 50.3 MPa), and 14 and 28 days (compressive strength below 40.0 MPa). Their compressive strength results are lower for curing times greater than 7 days.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The compressive strength of products can come up to 15.9 MPa, the other physical properties and durability are well conformed to non-fired rubbish gangue brick standard (JC/T422-2007).
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Almost all iron ore tailings (IOTs) required activation prior to use as SCMs, which limited their application in building materials. ... The results show that when HMPT-IOTs replace cement at 10 wt%, 20 wt% and 30 wt%, the compressive strength at 28 days is 41.9 MPa, 47.9 MPa and 37.5 MPa, respectively. When the substitution amount reaches 30 ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Iron ore tailings are a common type of hazardous solid waste in China and have caused serious environmental problems, and the high cost of producing ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) provides the motivation to look for low-priced raw materials. ... The control mix showed a compressive strength of 116.8 MPa, and every 10% increase in the ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073As industrial waste, iron ore tailings (IOTs) can be mixed with bentonite and bauxite and subsequently sintered into ceramsite. Under sintering at 1120 °C, ceramsite with 60- wt% IOTs, 30- wt% bentonite, and 10- wt% bauxite showed an optimal cylinder compressive strength of 10.53 MPa, bulk density of 917.84 kg m −3, 1-h water absorption of 9.9%, and …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073A novel ambient condition production of superior strength, non-abrasive, non-sticky iron ore pellets devoid of undesirable fines under the compression stress of 4 kN is presented.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Compressive strength (MPa) 7 28 90 Curing time (d) (a) Compressive strength Iron tailing sand Quartz sand River sand 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Flexural strength (MPa) …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073and compressive strength of 46 – 57 MPa at 28 days. The replacement of cement with IOTs results in 10 ... Iron Ore Tailings (IOT) are a byproduct of the beneficiation process of iron ore. The ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The compressive strength of the concrete with iron ore tailings after freezing-thawing was approximately 90% that of the reference concrete; hence, the compressive …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Currently, approximately 1.4 billion tons per year of iron ore tailing wastes (IOT) are generated, mainly in Australia, Brazil, and China. This work describes the characterization and application ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073On this basis, the compressive strength values are set to 70 MPa, 95 MPa, and 120 MPa, the value of the shear stiffness per unit area is taken as 3 × 10 10 N/m 3 according to the literature [37]. The corresponding parameter values of the normal stiffness per unit area, shear stiffness per unit area, and critical shear stress are obtained using ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The compressive strength of the concrete with iron ore tailings aggregates at 28 days was 36.95 MPa which shows an improvement of 11.56% over the concrete with conventional aggregates. This is mainly because of …
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Using a molding pressure of 60 MPa, the brick achieved a compressive strength of 16.02 MPa and a flexural strength of 2.72 MPa. Elevating the molding pressure assisted in expelling air trapped within the pores, facilitating the infiltration of the alkali activator into the interior of the raw materials and enhancing the contact between particles.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Concrete with 50% iron ore tailings showed maximum compressive strength of 37.7 MPa at 28 days and flexural strength showed 17% improvement . Technical feasibility of tailings as pavement material classified the material as class II A-not dangerous and not inert and was found to be more effective once chemically stabilized with cement [ 60 ].
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Furthermore, a maximum compressive strength of 7.7 MPa was achieved for blocks after 28 days of air curing. Also, the addition of GGBS has reduced the water absorption and apparent porosity of the IOT blocks, confirming the positive interaction between IOT, GGBS and lime. ... Effects of iron ore tailings on the compressive strength and ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Effect of Iron Ore Tailing on Compressive Strength of Manufactured Laterite Bricks and Its Reliability Estimate Yisa, G. L. 1 Akanbi, D. O. 1 Agbonkhese, O. Ahmed, M. K 1 Sani, J. E 2
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The laboratory experiments reveal the uniaxial compressive strength value of collected ore sample 98.09 Mpa with elastic modules of 79.113 Mpa and 0.12 Poisson ratios in sample no. 18 shown the ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The field and laboratory investigations were performed and found that the ore rock is having uniaxial compressive strength between 5.09 to 22.65 MPa, point load strength between 0.54 to 3.22 MPa ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The iron ore tailings–based cementitious composite with 0.02 wt.% graphene shows an extremely high flexural strength of 15.05 MPa at 3 days, which is 134.4% higher than that of the iron ore tailings–based cementitious composite without graphene.
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073